Peter Marshall

A view of Hull

West & North Hull

Beverley Rd area

85-10n-41: Former College Lodge, 44 Beverley Rd, 1985 - Beverley Rd

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Still very recognisable on Beverley Rd when I walked along it last year. According to Pevsner "No. 44, an unusual stuccoed cottage of c.1837 probably by H.F. Lockwood who was architect of Kingston College (Now Kingston Youth Centre) to the N. The cottage was originally single storey; it has a Gothic doorway to the ground floor but windows with Classical detail to the first floor. It was seemingly the college lodge. The Gothic stone gate-pier to the l. is identical to the pair at the present entrance to the Youth Centre."


Still Occupied

Images on this site are arranged into rough areas by location as in my book 'Still Occupied', available on Blurb. Eventually this site will contain all the images in that book and more.


Peter Marshall
01784 456474

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